An deal in Quartz represents the same object as a deal or an opportunity in standard CRM records system.
It means an deal has a set of key/values properties (e.g amount, creation date, close date, currency, source, type...)
An deal also have :
a creator and an owner (which may be different)
a status within the sales cycle -called stage - to indicate wether this opportunity is open - and being worked - or closed ( won or lost)
relations with other CRM objects like contacts and/or companies
Quartz helps you retrieve metrics about an deal by extending data existing in the CRM in order to better understand the health of an deal.
Metrics available are listed on Deal Metrics.
Stages are also called pipeline stage. Stages are defined in the CRM for each sales pipeline created within the CRM. They represent all the stages a deal must go through during its lifetime.
In Quartz, we do not define or redefine Stages, but make them available through the Quartz API to be used in applications built on top of Quartz.
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